“Each man’s death diminishes me, For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know, for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.”
–John Donne
It is with great pleasure that I invite you to Global Neurosurgery: Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls. This is a neurosurgical colloquium intended to educate, innovate, and foster a deeper understanding in Global Neurosurgery. The Department of Neurosurgery at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and New Jersey Medical School, as well as RWJBarnabas Health, will be sponsoring this event.
We are delighted to inaugurate the 1st Annual Peter W. Carmel Oration in recognition of his superlative contribution in medicine and neurosurgery. We will be welcoming the guru of social determinants, Sir Michael Marmot, as the orator for this occasion. Dr. Marmot has been a global authority on health inequalities for over 40 years.
In light of these perilous time, we have decided that our WFNS Global Neurosurgery Symposium will now be a virtual meeting from September 10 and September 12, 2020. COVID-19 has reminded us why global platforms are so important to flatten the curve and heal the world.
The landmark 2015 Lancet Commission on Global Surgery stressed the dire need for surgery in a global context while presenting the vast inequities of access to safe, affordable and quality surgery. In the April 2019 issue of the Journal of Neurosurgery, Dr. James T. Rutka emphasized that the estimated gross domestic product loss from patients suffering from neurosurgical diseases will exceed $4.4 trillion over the next 15 years. There are approximately 50,000 neurosurgeons worldwide, but an additional 23,000 neurosurgeons needed to meet current patient loads, specifically in Africa and Southeast Asia.
This symposium will coincide with the Administrative Council meeting of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies. A galaxy of international superstars will be joining us to address the various aspects of neurosurgery. A global call for abstracts has gone out, along with a section for residents and medical students as well. I want to invite you and encourage your residents, medical students, and faculty to attend. We look forward to your enthusiastic response. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Anil Nanda, MD, MPH, FACS
Professor and Chairman, Department of Neurosurgery
Rutgers New Jersey Medical School and
Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Peter W. Carmel, MD Endowed Chair of Neurological Surgery
Senior Vice President of Neurosurgical Services
RWJBarnabas Health
Date & Location: Thursday, September 10, 2020, 7:00 AM – Saturday, September 12, 2020, 4:00 PM, Virtual, NJ