Mistake on the lake – A course on Complications in Neurosurgery

10 Aprile ore 16:30 – 11 Aprile ore 16:30
Daniele Bongetta, Cesare Zoia
A course on complications in neurosurgery.
In the ever-evolving landscape of neurosurgery, encountering complications is not merely a possibility but an inevitability.
This course delves into the intricate realms of Skull Base, Spine, Neurovascular, and Neuro-oncology Surgeries, where even the slightest misstep can have profound consequences.
As aspiring and practicing neurosurgeons, understanding and managing these complexities is paramount to ensuring optimal patient outcomes and mitigating potential pitfalls.
Join us as we navigate the turbulent waters of neurosurgical complications, equipping ourselves with knowledge, strategies, and insights to tackle challenges head-on and emerge as adept navigators in this demanding field.